1111 E. Dowling Rd., Ste. 201, Anchorage, AK 99518 +1-907-562-0285

About Rural Alaska Fuel Services

Rural Alaska Fuel Services (RAFS) is a not-for-profit corporation organized to contract for the operation and maintenance of rural Alaskan bulk fuel storage facilities constructed by the Denali Commission and granted to selected communities. A condition of the Denali Commission grants is that the newly constructed tank farms be maintained and operated in accordance with all applicable state and federal regulations.

Mission Statement:  

To provide Rural Alaskans resources for safe operation of bulk fuel tank farms, maintenance and life extension of bulk fuel tanks and equipment, village based training, business and financial consulting, and removal of decommissioned bulk fuel tanks.


Safe, sustainable, environmentally sound bulk fuel operations in rural Alaskan communities.

RAFS provides an alternative means of managing and safely operating rural tank farms, brings economies of scale and expertise to tank farm operations not usually available to individual communities, and ensures compliance with local, state and federal regulations, laws and standards.

RAFS offers communities, village corporations, school districts and electric power generation cooperatives a means to achieve the Denali Commission’s goals of economic advantage, regulatory compliance and long term sustainability of rural bulk fuel storage facilities operating requirements.

Core Values

  • SAFETY Every Project, Every Time, Safety Comes First
  • TEAMWORK We pull together and support each other, at work and at home. At RAFS, we are family
  • RELIABILITY We fulfill our commitments to our Clients and Employees
  • LOYALTY We aid, support, and advocate for our Clients
  • QUALITY OF WORK We will do it right, or make it right
  • COMMUNICATION We strive to keep clear communication from A-Z
  • RESPECT We treat our Team and our Clients with respect and recognize the importance of diversity.  We are thankful for every individual’s contribution
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